F.A.R.M. Club,Newsletter










Next meeting: MOVED BACK A WEEK!

February 12th, 6PM Warren County Fairgrounds


          We want to send out get well wishes, thoughts and prayers to some of our members; John Yowler on the loss of his mother, Howard Hale on his carpal tunnel operation, Cecil on his recovery and Mike Lumley as well for his hip replacement. The club also made a donation to a fund for Bob Bors family.


          There isn’t much new business going on this month. First off we’re looking into getting sponsorship for our trophies; this will alleviate some of the clubs monetary pressure, and during a class of pulling our advertisers will get uninterrupted advertising over the loud speaker rather than listing off everyone repeatedly (if they sponsor one class, then they get a class of pulling just for them).


The other point is tractor pull safety, we’re looking into having tractors “tech’d” before the pulls to make sure the hitches are set right and the wheelie bars are up to par. I plan on having guidelines for how hitches should be set and wheelie bars in a future letter.


And finally, I got the new emails and addresses out of the membership book for sending newsletters, and I THINK I have everyone entered correctly. If you all could let me know if there is a correction needed, or if you have email and don’t want a paper copy, I would greatly appreciate it, thanks in advance J


Any questions contact one of our directors.

Gene Bustle at 513-899-3008 or Margeneb@embarqmail.com

Russ Rolke at 513-248-2501 or RCR@FUSE.NET

Mike Lumley at 513-515-8613 or ihpapaw@yahoo.com


Until next month!


Roger Walker, wctractorguy@aol.com